Gabrielle Laplante THE COCKTAIL OF CHEMICALS IN BEAUTY PRODUCTS: WHEN 1 + 1 = 3 How many cosmetics do you use every day? On average, women use a dozen cosmetic products daily, like soaps, shampoo, deodorant, makeup remover, serum, day cream, nigth cream, eye cream, body lotion, h... Santé Aug 10, 2022
Gabrielle Laplante THE DANGERS OF BLUE LIGHT FOR OUR SKIN We’ve all heard about the dangers of blue light for our vision and for our sleep. But did you know it can impact the health of our skin, too? What is blue light? Blue light is a colour in the visible ... Technique peau May 19, 2022
Gabrielle Laplante HOW TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT SPF WHEN IT COMES TO SUNSCREEN It only takes five minutes of peak sun exposure for bare skin to burn, so choosing sunscreen with the right SPF (sun protection factor) is key. Note that five minutes is the average since sun toleranc... Naturel Solaire May 17, 2022
Gabrielle Laplante MINERAL OR CHEMICAL SUNSCREENS? The endless mineral and chemical sunscreen options out there are enough to make your head spin! This article will help you make sense of the mysterious world of sun protection. The difference between ... Naturel Solaire May 9, 2022
Gabrielle Laplante SUNRAYS: RESPONSIBLE FOR 80% OF SKIN DAMAGE Summer is just around the corner, and many of us are looking forward to getting a nice tan. But what does the sun do to our skin, really? What’s the cost of a golden complexion? Let’s have a look at t... Naturel Solaire Technique peau May 2, 2022
Gabrielle Laplante NETTOYANT ÉCOLOGIQUE POUR LA MAISON Ecrivez une citation d'un de vos clients ici. Les citations sont une superbe manière de construire la confiance dans vos produits ou services. John DOE • PDG de MyCompany Idéal pour nettoyer la maison... Écologique Maison Naturel Recette Mar 9, 2022
Gabrielle Laplante THE ART OF SKIN REJUVENATION WITH BIOCOMPATIBILITY The art of skin rejuvenation with biocompatibility The principles of naturopathy apply to skin health too. Let me inspire you by sharing what I know. Skin is a living organ! While this is self-evident... Technique peau Mar 8, 2022
Gabrielle Laplante SMART AND ECOLOGICAL DUSTING IS IMPORTANT TO OUR HEALTH! Smart and ecological dusting is important to our health and immunity. Researchers have detected close to 7,000 different bacteria and 2,000 species of fungi in dust in American homes. Of course, some ... Oct 17, 2021
Gabrielle Laplante ESSENTIAL OILS TO PURIFY THE AIR AROUND YOU What are the most effective remedies of the future for viral infections? Essential oils Research centres around the world are currently studying essential oils in depth. Je les préconise aussi comme a... Huiles essentielles Maison Naturel Recette Oct 17, 2021