Gabrielle Laplante THE DANGERS OF BLUE LIGHT FOR OUR SKIN We’ve all heard about the dangers of blue light for our vision and for our sleep. But did you know it can impact the health of our skin, too? What is blue light? Blue light is a colour in the visible ... Technique peau May 19, 2022
Gabrielle Laplante SUNRAYS: RESPONSIBLE FOR 80% OF SKIN DAMAGE Summer is just around the corner, and many of us are looking forward to getting a nice tan. But what does the sun do to our skin, really? What’s the cost of a golden complexion? Let’s have a look at t... Naturel Solaire Technique peau May 2, 2022
Gabrielle Laplante THE ART OF SKIN REJUVENATION WITH BIOCOMPATIBILITY The art of skin rejuvenation with biocompatibility The principles of naturopathy apply to skin health too. Let me inspire you by sharing what I know. Skin is a living organ! While this is self-evident... Technique peau Mar 8, 2022